About Us

It's not really about us. It's about the store. And you.

At Sew Santa Barbara, we believe in putting the spotlight on what truly matters: the store and most importantly, you. Our team is dedicated to creating a space where customers can explore their creativity and find the perfect materials for their projects. We are here to provide guidance, inspiration, and support because your experience with us is our top priority. Join us in celebrating the art of sewing and discover a community that is all about YOU.

Sew Santa Barbara’s story began with a concept to serve a community. We envisioned a store that is open and airy; where every product is easily accessible.

The concept also included a vision for responsible ecology wherever possible. We try to forgo packaging and plastics as much as possible. We bought bulk elastic not only because of the frustration of having to buy more packages when you just need a tiny bit more, but to avoid excess packaging.

And finally, we are putting together a team of teachers and experts to create a haven for creativity, learning, and growth. This includes classes and get togethers for up cycling, knitting, embroidery… anything within the intersection of textiles and art.

Our goal is to provide a space where individuals can find joy in crafting and nurture their creative spirit. We are working to create the environment that reflects this vision, and we look forward to inspiring and supporting our wonderful community.

Let us know if there is something you are interested in whether it is a product, class, or idea. We are and will always look for creativity and inspiration.

But if you really wanted to know about us:

Chantal: The Fearless Leader

In the eclectic ensemble that is our team at Sew Santa Barbara, Chantal shines as the head risk-taker. Her upbringing reads like a novel - with a mother who soaked in the art of sewing amidst the chic streets of Paris. It was no surprise that Chantal's childhood was threaded with the craft, leading her to an unexpected venture at the mere age of five: a fashion line dedicated to hamsters. Alas, her miniature models proved to be less than appreciative, prompting a swift shift to other pursuits.

Today, Chantal orchestrates the inner workings of Sew Santa Barbara with finesse, ensuring seamless operations and timely payments to our dedicated vendors. In a world where certainty is a rare find, Chantal fearlessly leads the charge, infusing the air with a whimsical charm that is uniquely her own. At Sew Santa Barbara, with Chantal at the helm, the stitches of creativity and reliability seamlessly intertwine.

Karen: The Unsung Hero

Karen is the unsung hero of our sewing world, persistently stitching away while others come and go. She first dipped her toes into the world of sewing at a tender age, and her passion only grew from there. The moment she tossed her high school graduation cap into the air, a shiny new BERNINA awaited her, marking the beginning of a beautiful seamstress journey.

From fashion-forward pants to sleek skirts, daring swimsuits to cozy jackets, Karen has conquered them all with her trusty sewing machines by her side. But her creativity knows no bounds – she's now ventured into the realm of quilting, where she weaves together fabrics like a true maestro.

Karen's love for textiles goes beyond just stitches and seams. She's the first to jump into discussions about what new materials we should stock, eagerly tracks the ever-changing tides of fashion, and always has unusual class ideas up her sleeve.

In a world where trends come and go, Karen stands strong, a beacon of creativity and dedication in our sewing community. Here's to Karen – the true sewing trailblazer who never shies away from a challenge!

Matt: The Multi-Talented Extraordinaire

Matt's journey into the world of sewing is as unique as his quirky personality. Growing up surrounded by the whirring of sewing machines, he absorbed the craft from his mother, the president of the local quilt guild. As a crafty kid, Matt spent hours on his mother's lap, learning the art of sewing, serging, and creating with textiles.

Despite veering towards a path in physics and pursuing a PhD, Matt's heart remained woven with threads of fabric and creativity. Following his passion, he pivoted back to textiles and found his calling in teaching weaving at Santa Barbara City College. His expertise and enthusiasm led him to Sew Santa Barbara, where his skills shine brightly.

At Sew Santa Barbara, Matt is the go-to person for all things sewing. Whether you're looking for the perfect sewing machine or keen on learning new techniques, Matt's your guy. Apart from being a machine servicing wizard, he also imparts his knowledge through engaging classes that inspire others to unlock their creativity.

With his diverse talents and unconventional journey, Matt brings a fresh perspective to the world of sewing. At Sew Santa Barbara, he's not just a teacher or a technician — he's a true visionary, ready to help you explore the endless possibilities of the sewing realm.

Stop by and Say Hello!

We invite you to swing by and get to know us better. At Sew Santa Barbara, we thrive on hearing from you - our fantastic customers! Share your latest projects, your brilliant ideas, and let us know how we can elevate your experience with us. Because when it comes down to it, it's all about the unique synergy between our store and you. Looking forward to your visit!